Branch Leader's Letter for December and January

Firstly I must say a huge Thank You to everyone who supported the appeal of the knitted Christmas Stockings for St Paul’s School. The response has been overwhelming with over 300 stockings knitted and the School is very grateful to you all. Also many thanks for the donations to the Night Shelter and Food Bank which again were very much appreciated by the ladies running the service.

Five members attended the Mothers’ Union Service at York Minster in November and enjoyed a lovely day.  I’m not sure if York was ready for the arrival of Eileen dressed completely in purple including wig as she promotes Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month. We had a super day.

Eight members attended the Thanksgiving event at Stoller Hall at the end of October. It was a lovely evening and the Encore Children’s Choir provided the entertainment and were brilliant.

Manchester Diocese MU is supporting a Syrian family who will arrive in on the 4th December and have a house ready for them in Bury. Many fundraising events are being planned to support the family and also there is the opportunity to donate items of warm children’s clothes ages 4-5, 10 and 12 all girls and adult women and adult men as well as household items. There is a list in church for people to pledge their support. Please see newsletter on separate page.

As many of you know there is to be a Christmas tree festival in church in December and MU are supporting this event with the theme of the carol ‘We Three Kings’.

Just a polite reminder for the ladies attending the Christmas Lunch at The Red Hall on 4th December not to forget their secret Santa gift. We meet at 12.30pm for 1.00pm at The Red Hall.

The MU annual subscription for 2019 will be £23 incurring an increase of 50p.

As usual we will not have a meeting in January so our next meeting will be the AGM in February starting at 1.00pm. I have again set the February and March meeting for the afternoons rather than evenings as the weather can be unpredictable at that time of year.

Sadly, I have to report the news that Eunice Johnson died at the end of October. The funeral was held on Friday 9th November and regretfully I wasn’t able to attend as I and four other members were at the service at York Minster. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

 Finally, may I wish everyone a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year.


With Best Wishes

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader